Rebirth Project Promo Cecilia

Ok folks!! After weeks of talking about, the secret Project i been working with:

:iconseonidas: :iconxiraus: :iconstudiogdm:

Is time to reveal what is all about!!

We calling REBIRTH is gonna be an Web Studio of Artist focus on publishing Web Comics, we are gonna put a lot of Comics/Manga projects we are working in the last 3 years, and a lot of new coming projects.

Some will be publish weekly, an the big ones monthly or every regular time we have finish it the chapters.

There gonna be a lot of thing, like Baká el Mito Asesino[link] Faiv Ciguapa[link] and the one you are looking in this Promo Punishment of the Dark Rose[link] created by Xiraus is a Supernatural, mystery and terror story you will see available in the site.

The release date of Rebirth Project will be the 15/12/2010 in Christmas. Every week i will submit a promo with an exclusive pic of a character of one of the Comics will be publish. In time i will talk more about the site, for now enjoy Cecilia.

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